
Showing posts from May, 2022

28 yr old male with body pains

A 28 year old patient, farmer by occupation, a resident of Aakaram came to casualty with C/o - bilateral upper and lower limb edema            Body ache HOPI— Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days back then he had an episode of low grade fever which is on and off since 2 days associated with generalised body pains and relieved on medication. Then he developed bilateral upper and lower limb edema till ankle gradually progressive, pitting type. He is a farmer .He is off to work at 6 and returns home at 5. Patient takes rice three times a day No h/o rash              Altered consciousness                Associated symptoms:-   Headache   Joint pains    Redness of both eyes   Loss of appetite    1 episode of vomiting 4 days back       PAST HISTORY: H/o - rat bite 5 months back No hypertension        Diabetes       CVS problems       Tuberculosis PERSONAL HISTORY:- diet:- mixed  loss of appetite  Bowel and bladder movements:- regular ADDICTIONS:- Patient is an alcoholic. He drinks dail